fiction by lore segal

Lore Segal was born in Vienna in 1928 and escaped to England age ten on the Kindertransport. She moved to the USA after the war and has been writing stories for the New Yorker since 1958. Last year, aged 95, she was elected to the US Academy of Arts and Letters. Lore died on 7 October 2024. Here is a link to her obituary by Penelope Green in The New York Times. The previous day, she had been profiled by Matthew Shaer in the NYT magazine (A Master Storyteller, at the End of Her Story).

Sort Of also publish Lore’s books Other People’s Houses and Ladies’ Lunch and in 2025 will republish her own ‘favourite novel’, Her First American.

Lore Segal has the sharp analytic eye of a born writer
— New York Times Book Review

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